Membership Dues Increasing in 2023

A note to members from the ALHFAM Board.

Thank you for your ongoing support of ALHFAM. Like all organizations, ALHFAM has had to adapt to changes in our world to stay relevant and sustainable. 2020 marked the year we were to commemorate the 50th anniversary of ALHFAM and celebrate the work it does to bring museum and living history professionals from around the world together to share, learn, and grow. However, 2020 also marked the year that changed how we live our lives, interact with our audiences, and perform our work, because of the COVID-19 virus. Over the last three years our members have had to close museums, cancel programs, face tough staffing decisions, create (seemingly overnight) virtual programs and try to create “uniquely ALHFAM” online conference formats, webinars and in-person gatherings.

The result of these events has caused all of us to think about how to ensure the future of ALHFAM. There is a need to increase membership, encourage greater diversity, and use a variety of digital platforms to share skills, content and resources amongst our members. However, all these things come at a cost. This was a topic brought up at the recent board meeting in Tacoma as we looked at our budget. All board members agreed that membership dues are quite low in comparison to similar organizations, and it has been a very long time since the membership fees have changed; surprisingly not since 2007.  For all these reasons, the board decided to raise membership fees moderately.

The board is very aware that many of our members, both individual and institutional, may now face challenges to their own annual expenses during these tumultuous times. The board created membership categories that match the needs and abilities of our members. Membership rates were increased, on average, by 25%, which is well below the inflation rate over the last fifteen years. These options will help ALHFAM to continue to provide services you find invaluable while not placing ALHFAM membership at too high a price point. Finally, the board recognizes that our members are very giving and want to see our industry and our own organization continue to grow. For those that have the capacity to “pay it forward”, we have added a new option to cover the membership fees for individuals who may be currently challenged by the cost of membership as they start their careers or face temporary unemployment.

Current members can renew their memberships before January 1, 2023, at the present (2022) rates for a one-year extension, to make the transition to the new membership fee structure as easy as possible. We hope this will allow all members the ability to budget for the future costs of membership.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter as the Board of Directors works to ensure ALHFAM that provides you with the resources and services you desire.

The updated membership categories & dues are listed below. Please remember you can renew your existing membership between now and December 31, 2022, at the current rates.

Beginning January 1, 2023, membership rates will increase as follows:

  • Student/Retired/Unemployed Professional $25
  • Individual Member $40
  • Joint Membership (2 in family unit) $65
  • Supporting $75 (this includes a $35 donation)
  • Patron $150 (this includes 1 individual membership & funds to support colleagues in need of financial assistance with membership or activity participation)
  • Small Institution $75 (Admin + 5 staff bundle)
  • Medium Institution $150 (Admin + 25 staff bundle)
  • Large Institution $300 (Admin + 50 staff bundle)
  • Library $60
  • Business I $75*
  • Business II $150*
  • Business III $335*

*There is also an opportunity for business champions to support equity deserving and/or underrepresented Individual Memberships to ALHFAM with an additional $40 donation.

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